

The Role of Car DVR Lenses in Driver Safety
The Role of Car DVR Lenses in Driver Safety

Vehicular accidents are the leading cause of death in many countries and road safety is one of the most important concerns of our time. In order to ensure driver safety, car manufacturers are coming u...

12 2023.13
Choosing the Right Car DVR Lens for Your Needs
Choosing the Right Car DVR Lens for Your Needs

Having the right car DVR lens for your needs can make a world of difference in the quality of recording and keeping you safe while driving. Looking at the different types and features available for ca...

11 2023.16
The Benefits of 2.8mm Lenses for Wide-Angle Surveillance
The Benefits of 2.8mm Lenses for Wide-Angle Surveillance

With the advancement of technology in security and surveillance, the use of 2.8mm CCTV lenses for wide-angle surveillance has become increasingly popular. In fact, due to their superior performance, t...

11 2023.06
How Does a CCTV Camera IR Cut Filter Work?
How Does a CCTV Camera IR Cut Filter Work?

With the rising popularity of CCTV cameras, more and more people are familiarizing themselves with the different features associated with these security systems. But one aspect that most people don’t...

10 2023.21
Benefits Using Latest IR Cut Filter Technology Industrial Applications
Benefits Using Latest IR Cut Filter Technology Industrial Applications

The industrial world is always upgrading its tech with the latest advances and utilizing them to their maximum potential. One such advancement is the latest IR Cut Filter technology, which is being us...

10 2023.13
Understanding the Basics of IR Cut Filter Switches and Its Effects on Image Quality
Understanding the Basics of IR Cut Filter Switches and Its Effects on Image Quality

The use of the IR cut filter switch is an important factor in maintaining an image’s visual quality. It helps to filter out infrared light and allows only visible light to be absorbed by the imaging ...

09 2023.20
Understanding the Effect of Aperture Size and Focal Length on Drone Camera Lenses
Understanding the Effect of Aperture Size and Focal Length on Drone Camera Lenses

Drones are commonly used in photography and videography. To achieve great-quality images and videos, an understanding of the drone camera lens is very important. Aperture size and focal length are two...

09 2023.13
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Mini Lens
M12 Lens